My health journey, using tech #techmeup.
So for the past 3 years I’ve really let myself go, and I don’t mean appearance I mean HEALTH. Well, one follows the other.
Sure, the fact that during that time I’ve given birth to not one, but two kids (very close in age, very very close) might play a role. Also, I’ve changed 3 houses, 2 cities and had 5 parallel jobs.
So it’s no wonder that my health and well being have been at the bottom of the “to do” list.
I don’t drink. I think I’ve had one glass of wine and one glass of champagne in the past 3 years.
I don’t smoke, have never smoked and I eat a lot of fresh greens.
But I also sleep badly.
I compensate fatigue with sugar.
I work 12h/day
I’m dark skinned in a dark country, so I need D-vitamin
I excise sporadically.
I have super super low blood pressure.
So this platform will be a form of diary to make sure I do better and use tech along the way. Combining my passion and my health.
So here is to a better me :).