Things I’ve learned in 39 years.
At age 9
There is no such thing as human rights in a war.
Mom and dad are just humans, with their own worries and woes. Be kind to them.
Friends don’t make fun of you because of how you think, look or act. People who do make fun of you, are not your friends.
Change can be scary, but if you accept it and embrace it, you will have a very exciting world.
Grief never goes away.
At age 19
You don’t have to know who you are, it is ok to wander. “All those that wander, are not lost”.
Being on your own is amazing. You learn so much about yourself.
If you don’t allow yourself to be vulnerable, you’ll never find love.
You can make best friends at any age.
It’s ok to be stupid because there is no such thing!
Listen more, talk less.
It’s important to take care of your mental health.
Exercise is not just for beauty, it is good for keeping your sanity.
Say YES more to things that scare you.
Pay your bills, of what is left put 80% of it in to savings account and the rest (and only the rest no matter how small) is for fun.
It is ok to say good bye to old friends and habits in order to grow
At age 29
People will use you if you don’t have boundries.
Toxic work places, will never change.
Motherhood is lonely and not what it’s advertised to be.
Your child is more important than any job.
Your mental health is more important than any job.
You will become like your parents.
The people that love you, will challange you to be a better version of yourself. People who ask you to stay the way you are, are selfish.
Be persistent and good things will come.
No job is ever worth your sanity, not even the really cool ones.
Avoid narcissists at all cost.
Judge people’s actions, nor their words.
At age 39
Happiness = stability. If you don’t have stability inside and outside of yourself, you will not be “happy”.
Therapy helps. Ask for help.
Friends who get mad at you when you can’t do favours for them, are not your friends. They are your non-paying clients.
You can always change paths, it is NEVER too late to start over in a new field.
There are very few genuinley nice people out there, hold on to those that are for dear life.
Not everyone is going to like you, accept it and don’t give them so much energy.
Spend more time with your older relatives. They have amazing insights in to everything.
Don’t trust people who want you to work for free.
Don’t get involved with start ups — especially ones run by people who are more interested in money than ideas.
Be more grateful for what you have.
Rather say no and be resented, than say yes and resent yourself for it.
You will never regret a good walk in the forrest.
Trust your instinct when it comes to your children’s friends.
Encourage your children to challenge your thoughts and ideas.
I look forward to my next 10 birthdays so I can tell you what I’ve learned at 49.